Front End Automation With Gulp
Gulp is a great tool for front end automation tasks. In this article I will show you how I use Gulp to boost my front end development efficiency.
Gulp Plugins
var gulpLoadPlugins = require('gulp-load-plugins');
var plugins = gulpLoadPlugins();
We will use lots of Gulp plugins in our tasks. With gulp-load-plugins we don’t need to import them mannually.
var config = {
production: !!plugins.util.env.production,
port: 9005,
devBaseUrl: 'http://localhost',
paths: {
mainJs: './src/main.js',
appJs: './src/app/**/*.js',
scss: './src/**/*.scss',
html: './src/*.html',
build: './build'
Define a config variable for all our settings so we can reuse them throughout the file and it makes the code more friendly. We use gulp-util to set our environment. Append –production to ./node_modules/.bin/gulp command to tell him, “We are now on production. Don’t generate source maps. Don’t instantiate local server. Thanks!”
gulp.task('scss', function () {
return gulp.src(config.paths.scss)
.pipe(plugins.if(!config.production, plugins.sourcemaps.init()))
.pipe(plugins.sass().on('error', plugins.sass.logError))
.pipe(plugins.if(!config.production, plugins.sourcemaps.write('.')))
.pipe(plugins.rev.manifest( + "/rev-manifest-css.json", {cwd: + "/", base: + "/", merge: true}))
This task takes all scss files, parse/bundle/minify/revision, and generate source map. When we use “inspect” in browser, brower will show us the original scss file instead of minified css thanks to source map. And we use gulp-if to prevent generating source map on production.
gulp.task('js', function() {
return browserify(config.paths.mainJs, {paths: ['./bower_components/react']})
.transform("babelify", {presets: ["react"]})
.on('error', console.error.bind(console))
.pipe(plugins.if(!config.production, plugins.sourcemaps.init()))
.pipe(plugins.if(!config.production, plugins.sourcemaps.write('.')))
.pipe(plugins.rev.manifest( + "/rev-manifest-js.json", {cwd: + "/", base: + "/", merge: true}))
This task uses babel and browserify to transform all JSX files, bundle/uglify/revision, and generate source map as well. We have to use vinyl-buffer to change a stream to a buffer.
gulp.task('html', function() {
var handlebarOptions = {
helpers: {
versionPath: function(path, context) {
var manifestCss = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync( + '/rev-manifest-css.json', 'utf8'));
var manifestJs = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync( + '/rev-manifest-js.json', 'utf8'));
return gulp.src(config.paths.html)
.pipe(plugins.compileHandlebars(objectAssign(manifestCss, manifestJs), handlebarOptions))
Js and Css file paths are always changing due to revision. We update html file to use the new paths with the help of gulp-compile-handlebars.
gulp.task('watch', function() {, ['html']);, function(event) {
runSequence('scss', 'html');
});[config.paths.mainJs, config.paths.appJs], function(event) {
runSequence('js', 'html');
This task watches all src file changes and automatically run related tasks. Notice that all above tasks have plugins.connect.reload() in the pipe to refresh the browser for us. We can open up browswer, code editor, terminal side by side. Whenever we make a change in the editor, terminal will show us the result of each task, browser will auto refresh and reflect the changes. This is like a magic. We use run-sequence to make sure gulp runs html task after js task is finished so that we can get the correct revision file path.
gulp.task('connect', function() {
return plugins.connect.server({
root: ['build'],
port: config.port,
base: config.devBaseUrl,
livereload: true
gulp-connect will create an instance of local web server for development and support live reload.
gulp.task('open', function() {
uri: config.devBaseUrl + ':' + config.port + '/',
app: browser
gulp-open opens up development browser for us.
gulp.task('default', function() {
if (config.production) {
runSequence('clean', 'scss', 'js', 'html');
} else {
runSequence('clean', 'scss', 'js', 'html', 'connect', 'open', 'watch');
Finally we set default tasks for Gulp. We run ./node_modules/.bin/gulp
for development and ./node_modules/.bin/gulp --production
for production.